
Chief Executive Officer & Owner| Jamie Gutierrez

p: 402.733.1114 | f: 402.733.5385 | rvaldez@midwestinc.net


If you have any questions or concerns regarding services at your facility, contact:

Director of Operations & Integrator | Jessica Placek

p: 402.733.1114  | f: 402.733.5385 | rvaldez@midwestinc.net

District manager |Vanessa Zuniga

p: 402.990.6253 | f: 402.733.5385 | vzuniga@midwestinc.net


If you have questions or concerns regarding quotes/sales, contact:

Sales Manager| Chuck Acker

p:402.889.0093 | f:402.733.5385 | cacker@midwestinc.net 

Sales& Marketing Strategist | Iris Mai

p: 402.513.1198 | f: 402.733.5385 | imai@midwestinc.net


Human Resources

If you have questions or concerns regarding hiring/HR, contact:

HR Manager| Kori Colen

p: 402.513.1058 | f: 402.733.5385 | morellana@midwestinc.net

Recruiting Assistant| Maria Orellana 

p: 402.513.1906  | f: 402.733.5385 | morellana@midwestinc.net


Accounting & Payroll

If you have questions or concerns regarding account billing, contact:

Controller | Ben Volkman

p: 402.733.1114  | f: 402.733.5385 | bvolkman@midwestinc.net


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